Friday, March 20, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Heads Up and updates!

Soo i will now be updating this blog and my new Demon Seed Pictures blog at the same time! This one will remain silly and light hearted while the DSP blog is going to be more of a VLOG and will have my insight and opinion of the adult world!

Soo im uber busy!!

Sorry for such a sort update!!



The original idea for the DSP LOGO!! TOOO CUTE but i like our one now better!

And here is some wanking material!




Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'm having a mac attack.

Soo last night i turned off my computer like any other night and i wake up this morning to a mac thats NOT WORKING!!! My screen wont light up or come on or whatever the fuck it is doing!!

My heart is breaking every min that passes when i dont have my beautiful mac in my lap.

This TRAGIC event made me want to inform EVERYONE that MACS ARE SOO MUCH BETTER then pcs. I am hating EVERY moment as i shit here on this primative pos. I dont understand how anyone could work on a pc on a regular basis.

Tomorrow i have an appt with a genis and its hopefully will come out ok.

KEEP your fingers crossed for me and my baby,
Apple Logo Pictures, Images and Photos

Tasha Contradiction

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Threw endless celestial sex!

Sooo I have been absent minded lately and decided i needed god in my life.... After watching this video i am getting a sex change and becoming a mormon man!!

Facts you should know!!!

1)jesus is a mormon elder
2)Lucifer is also mormon and the demons are 1/3 of the spirit children
3)The neutral people in the battle between jesus and the devil were cursed and became black... WAIT WHAT?!?!?!
4)Ello heam "the mormon god" had sex with the virgin mary... making her not a virgin, and giving jesus the human body he needs.
5)Jesus had 3 wives??
6)HAHAHAH after his resurection jesus warped himself over to the americans and preached to the indians

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Things men did in the 80's naked!

I love the fact that the 70-80's were possibly some of the most awkward times for looking sexy. It is a well known fact that there is no way to look good with a mullet.

SOOO as a throwback i would like to show you things men did in the nude in the 80's

They Sunbathed


They also went jogging.


Why OH why are en not this good looking anymore? and WHEN did we become soo prude?!?!?!?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sometimes you just need to rob a bitch!!

Soo this is an AMAZING story that i found and about peed my pants. 

Michael Reed, 50, was charged with attempted robbery of Eddie's Fried Chicken in Fort Worth, Texas, in December. He was armed only with a tree branch and was quickly neutralized by a 56-year-old employee, who grabbed a broom, and the men proceeded to duel until Reed dropped his branch and fled (but was arrested nearby). [Dallas Morning News, 12-19-08]

1) was he robbing the place for fried chicken or the cash?
2) how big was the branch and did it have thorns/a sharp tip that is like a spear.
3) did the 56 yr old that dueled with the robber have ninja training?
4) why didnt this robber have a get-a-way car or bike lol

This story leaves me with more questions then answers!

I was wrong, with the right training you can be one bad ass mother fucker

I actually had to come back after i published this post to add the fact that the attackers in the video are wielding LIGHTSABERS!! They are also the most goofy individuals i have ever seen in my entire life. I do stick by my bad ass mother fucker statement because next to those 2 clowns anyone is a god!

Only in my life!

Soo, i was engaged for those of you who dont know. The breakup was TERRIBLY messy and the guy was a CERTIFIED ass wipe!

Well come to find out the chick he left me for is now a lesbian.... YAY hearing things threw the grape vine LOL.

So today i celebrate gays and lesbians EVERYWHERE..... because they probably turned after dating my ex fiance too!

Pride Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, February 23, 2009


One of the great mysteries of the world to me is catty women. It seems like men can get along without problems and very rarely do you hear a man say he hates another man. I don't know if it is a primitive guttural reaction to the competition for mates or the fact that deep down almost all women are soo insecure they will grasp at straws to hold on to the last bit of self respect they have but either way it sucks.

Being a "porn star" comes with a ton of bullshit already for women to hate, but i think my intellect and wit make up for the whole WHORE image. No matter what though it seems like i am SCREWED and totally destined to be hated by women.

From having a girl i NEVER met refuse to meet me and even mailing back a record i had bought 2 or and told Adam to give her the other one, to some stupid Internet twat getting on her high horse to call me out of complete bullshit, it never ceases to amazing me the fact that i seem to be an easy target.

So, here is my idea. The month of March should be "Fuck You Cunt' month. I feel as though we should stand together against the pms and bitter lonely women of the world. When ever you come across a bitch, whether she is being bitchy to you, to the waiter that is serving her, to the homeless man panhandling, or the the cashier at your local store, i think you should pull them aside and make them aware of the fact that they are complete wastes of space and if they don't change their ways they will end up lonely old spinsters with 300 cats.

So go out there, make a difference and tell a complete stranger shes a cunt. I swear you will make the world a better place one bitch at a time!!!

Cunt Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Midgets.. proof god has a sense of humor.

All of my close friends and family know my obsession with the ones we call "little people". When I was a kid there were 2 that went to school with me and from then on its been a bit of a love of mine.

How can you not be thrilled when a 3 foot adult comes wiggling up to you like an excited puppy!!

Sooo in celebration of this obsession of mine i give you some GREAT miget videos!

The first one is a bit vintage and i like he fact that they seem to be either carnies or circus folk.

This next on is possibly the sexiest thing i have ever seen. (sorry about the text change the blog 
fucking hates me)

I found out later that he is a popular Middle Easter or Indian entertainer and thought he deserved
to show all the bitches he has!

This is the Final and GREATEST of all the clips. Jerry Springer is a true AMERICAN and a 
patriot! We can always depend on him for the best the side show has to offer. Please keep in mind the face that the smaller of the midgets can swing with his arms and 
also the amazing CRAWL that goes on!!

YAY to the "little" things that make life worth living!!

Tasha Contradiction

What the FUCK!!

Sooo YAY to my first post!! KILLER KILLER! There is only one thing i can think of to talk about in this fist "blog". 

I am a slightly techie kind of girl. I usually have the latest toys and gadgets and am always well informed on trends and cutting edge technology. There is however a point when the stream line toys and modern world take it a bit to far.

I was reading a tech blog and came across a story about a toy that is DRIVING all of Japan wild. We all know the asians are a little crazy but they have hit an all time high!!!

When did our world become a place where a dog can have a SEX DOLL specially made for them. YES, there is a company that has developed "fido's" newest best friend. Its called the "Hot Dog" and despite a lot of effort i haven't been able to find the pricing or the co. that makes them. I can't IMAGINE the people who order these. My mind is flooded with pictures of posh upper east side socialites making sure their puppies EVERY need is taken care of.

In all honesty I want one, not for Santana, my teacup chihuahua, but for me. Looks like one hell of a time!


Tasha Contradiction