Monday, February 23, 2009


One of the great mysteries of the world to me is catty women. It seems like men can get along without problems and very rarely do you hear a man say he hates another man. I don't know if it is a primitive guttural reaction to the competition for mates or the fact that deep down almost all women are soo insecure they will grasp at straws to hold on to the last bit of self respect they have but either way it sucks.

Being a "porn star" comes with a ton of bullshit already for women to hate, but i think my intellect and wit make up for the whole WHORE image. No matter what though it seems like i am SCREWED and totally destined to be hated by women.

From having a girl i NEVER met refuse to meet me and even mailing back a record i had bought 2 or and told Adam to give her the other one, to some stupid Internet twat getting on her high horse to call me out of complete bullshit, it never ceases to amazing me the fact that i seem to be an easy target.

So, here is my idea. The month of March should be "Fuck You Cunt' month. I feel as though we should stand together against the pms and bitter lonely women of the world. When ever you come across a bitch, whether she is being bitchy to you, to the waiter that is serving her, to the homeless man panhandling, or the the cashier at your local store, i think you should pull them aside and make them aware of the fact that they are complete wastes of space and if they don't change their ways they will end up lonely old spinsters with 300 cats.

So go out there, make a difference and tell a complete stranger shes a cunt. I swear you will make the world a better place one bitch at a time!!!

Cunt Pictures, Images and Photos

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