Sunday, February 22, 2009

What the FUCK!!

Sooo YAY to my first post!! KILLER KILLER! There is only one thing i can think of to talk about in this fist "blog". 

I am a slightly techie kind of girl. I usually have the latest toys and gadgets and am always well informed on trends and cutting edge technology. There is however a point when the stream line toys and modern world take it a bit to far.

I was reading a tech blog and came across a story about a toy that is DRIVING all of Japan wild. We all know the asians are a little crazy but they have hit an all time high!!!

When did our world become a place where a dog can have a SEX DOLL specially made for them. YES, there is a company that has developed "fido's" newest best friend. Its called the "Hot Dog" and despite a lot of effort i haven't been able to find the pricing or the co. that makes them. I can't IMAGINE the people who order these. My mind is flooded with pictures of posh upper east side socialites making sure their puppies EVERY need is taken care of.

In all honesty I want one, not for Santana, my teacup chihuahua, but for me. Looks like one hell of a time!


Tasha Contradiction

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